Best Buys-Toddlers

My favourite gifts for toddlers 1-2 years.

Click on the images to take you to the online store with the best price.

I love sharing toys we adore to help inspire others.

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Handy hint

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Buckle pillow

Fine motor, life skills, travel

Perfect little car, plane, pram, cafe, potty toy! Maisie loved this one. She spent many an hour clicking the buckles in and out, especially on long drives or while toilet training. Not only is it engaging, it builds fine motor skills and help children learn vital self-help dressing skills.

Latch board

Fine motor skills, problem solving

One of our favourite first birthday gifts! We used the cute animals inside to build on Maisie’s animal noise recognition and mimicking around her first birthday.

Nuts and bolts

Colour matching, fine motor development and hand muscle strengthening (perfect for pre-writers)

You can glue these to a block of wood or piece of thick cardboard for younger babies or leave as is for toddlers.

Learning Tower


If you follow me on instagram you see us using multiple times every single day. We do all messy play, cooking and drawing up at the kitchen bench making the clean up a breeze.

I have linked the My Happy Helpers tower as this is the one we have (you can use my code Mandy10 for 10% off). I highly recommend getting an adjustable tower as lowering it was a life saver when Maisie was one and would use it to climb up onto the kitchen bench! However, if this is out of your budget I’ve heard Kmart is releasing a cheaper one! There are occasionally some on Marketplace or you could do an IKEA stool hack for your little one.

Cylinder Puzzle

Colour sorting, size discrimination, problem solving

Each colour has slightly different pieces meaning the pieces don’t fit into each others bases. Start out with one puzzle and slowly build up to mixing all pieces for a greater challenge!

Balance board

Gross motor, imaginative play

We have the Kinderfeets brand ($150). Another popular option is the Wobble board ($250). But honestly, I’ve seen the Kmart version and for $25 it’s a steal. If we get a second board that’s where I’ll be shopping, so thats what I’ve linked for you.

Mega blocks wagon

Gross motor, construction

Megablocks great first building toy as they are easy to handle and toddlers can build tall structures that are also stable. We like to take our mega blocks into the bath and also use them in messy play (they are easy to clean, just chuck them in the dishwasher!) The wagon is not only a practical way to store the blocks but is also a fun little pull along toy.

Sound puzzles

Visual-spacial reasoning, problem solving, sensory (audible)

These are pricey everywhere you look… but if you are in no rush hold out as they go on sale at Aldi once a year for half the price!

We love to wrap the pieces in foil like little gifts, to increase attention span and make the game last longer.

Shopping trolly

Role play, gross motor

This is a super sturdy trolly (similar to the kids ones at Bunnings!) Don’t be put off by the shipping cost at this link, the combined price is still cheaper than most other places; however, if you’d prefer to buy from Australia check out Catch as they often have it stocked for a similar price.

Play table


This Kmart play table gets a workout in our house! We added some putting green artificial turf on the top to make it more neutral. The putting green is lower profile compared to standard turf making it ideal for a play table (as it’s easy to build block towers on)!

Train set

Imaginative play, sensory (audible), fine motor

This is a pricier option when it comes to train sets but we love it as it adds that extra bit of sensory fun and prolongs toddlers attention spans. Maisie likes the animals on it too. I especially love that the Hape set fits perfectly with cheaper K-mart pieces so you can make a really big track without breaking the bank too much!

This track occasionally comes up on Catch too for a little cheaper.

Balance Bike

Gross motor, confidence, resilience

Balance bikes are all the rage because they are supposed to help children by-pass the training wheel stage and jump straight to a 2-wheel pedal bike once they are big enough. I did a LOT of research when it came to buying Maisie’s balance bike and we settled on getting her a Cruzee. It is the lightest on the market which is great for when they change their minds mid bike ride and ask you to carry it home. The main benefit however, is when they fall they aren’t pinned down by a heavy bike so it doesn’t ‘spook’ them! Maisie just jumps back up and gets straight back on! Not just a gross motor tool but an amazing resilience and confidence builder!

Connect 4

Colour matching, fine motor, patterns, turn taking

Ok, this might sound like a strange one but trust me! Toddlers love ‘posting’ games and this is a great one to pop on their shelf for some independent play! As they grow you can use the board for colour matching and pattern work, before eventually being able to play the game as intended with your little one. For $5 this is the game that just keeps giving!

Simple Shape Puzzle

Colours, shapes, fine motor, problem solving

We got this gem off market place but i have linked a similar one i found on Amazon.


Role play

I love this IKEA kitchen as It’s height adjustable meaning It’ll grow with your child.

Play food

Role play

Our play food is also from IKEA. We have all three sets and love them all. I love the soft fruits and vegetables much better than wooden or plastic food as it doesn’t take chucks out of the walls when thrown. It’s an added bonus that it’s easy to clean (just throw into the washing machine with your normal load).

Play food storage

Role play

If you watch my instagram stories you have probably seen this Kmart bathroom caddy used to store our play food. It matches beautifully with the IKEA kitchen, is perfect height for toddlers to access and is sturdy. We use the top shelf for fruits, the middle shelf for vegetables and the bottom shelf for pantry items.

Pots and pans

Role play

Real looking (and feeling) pots and pans from IKEA. They also have a cooking utensil pack as well which we love.

Connetix Magnetic Tiles

Colour matching, sensory (light play), fine motor, problem solving, imaginative play

This is one of the only toys that i recommend buying the real deal. The cheaper magnetic tiles just don’t hold well enough and are frustrating for children trying to create big structures. They go on sale everywhere once a year (usually Sept or Oct). I suggest starting with a 40 pack then if they are a hit with your child add a 100 pack on top!

Pikler set

Gross motor, confidence, resilience

Another pricey one but if you have a climber then well worth it. Maisie uses it every single day. We opted for the folding model for easy storage… although she’s yet to get bored of it so its constantly out on display in our home! I have linked our exact one (you can use Mandy10 for 10%off) however Kmart does do a smaller version (just be aware of the weight limit as it’s much lower).

Alphabet tablet


The perfect car toy! We actually own a different brand which has been discontinued but it is very similar to this one. Children learn letter names and sounds as well as begging word sounds. If these skills are learned before the age of two it is so much easier down the track!

Wooden Memory Match

Memory development, turn taking

We actually got this toy when Maisie was a baby and used the tiles as flashcard for her to learn animal names and sounds. Now she is older she loves playing memory with us.

Magnets and wand

Science, sensory (visual)

Hide magnets in a tub of rice or dried peas then use the wand to find them! You can also pop the magnets into some baby in a bottle and move the wand up and down on the outside to watch them move. Maisie especially loves using these magnets on her light table.

Light table

Sensory (visual)

I love using this tracing board as a light table! So cheap and when the children get older they can use it as intended.

Threading beads

Fine motor, Patterns

A classic and a favourite quiet time activity in our home. Kmart does a version but this one is only a couple of dollars more expensive but much larger and better quality!

Water Beads

Sensory (tactile), fine motor

This kit comes in a practical plastic storage box and includes a bunch of different tools for sensory play which makes it a lovely gift. However, if you already have tools and box and are just looking for the beads themselves you can also fine these for super cheap on Amazon or eBay! Waterbeads are a choking hazard and dangerous if ingested so supervision is a must!

Car drop

Cause and effect

This toy is so much fun and strangely calming for Maisie. Another favourite during quiet time.

Cash register

Role play, numeracy

‘Ice cream shop’ is one of Maisie’s favourite games (she actually uses her pikler as the shop and her old sensory bottles from when she was a baby as the ice-creams). We love that this cash register has an inbuilt calculator that really works! It’s an added bonus that it runs on solar cells, so no need for batteries!

Giant teeth

Health and wellbeing

I’m including this one as every time i show it in my stories i am inundated with questions about where to get it.


Fine motor, imaginative play

We love Duplo in our house! This set is one of our favourites as it includes lots of animals, blocks and vehicles. They go on sale a couple of times a year so if you’re in no rush it pays to hold off.

Double sided Toothbrush

Health and wellbeing, independence

Brush twice as well, in half the time. What’s not to love!

Bubble machine

Outdoor fun

This bubble machine was a gift Maisie received last Christmas. It creates so many bubbles! One of her favourite games is to painstakingly cover every inch of the grass in bubbles, then pop them all with her feet!

Water table

Outdoor fun, sensory (tactile), spacial awareness

Maisie’s water table is on It’s last legs but she still plays with it regularly! Our plan is to upgrade when Denny turns one and this is the one we will be getting. Our current one is the same brand and it’s held up for 2 years now living outside in all the elements.

Hopper cow

Gross motor, imaginative play

This is very similar to the bouncy horse we have and adore. We leave it outside in the elements and its really stood the test of time! We got our’s from BigW but they are very tricky to find so I’ve linked an alternative. Maisie loves riding her hopper and it really helped to build her balance and coordination. She takes him on the trampoline, gives him a bath and feeds him various things from the garden. It’s very cute.

Giant foam dice

Gross motor, numeracy

Use it to practice throwing, catching, rolling and learn numbers at the same time.

Outdoor play gym

Gross motor

I always get asked where our outdoor play gym is from! I highly recommend having a look on Market place because that is where we got ours. However, if you prefer new i am have one similar online. You can rearrange the parts to make a balance beam in the middle which is what we do. On hot summer days you can attach the hose and have some sprinkler fun!

Play tent

Gross motor, imaginative play

We got some good use out of this! I love how each part is seperate so we can set up one tent inside on rainy days or the whole thing outside on sunny days. The tunnel is our favourite part. We use it in obstacle courses and attach it to the pikler and roll balls down it! Such a bargain too!

Paint sticks

Creativity, fine motor

Buy these, buy these now! These paint sticks are the bomb! They look just like paint but dry almost instantly and are much less messy!

Mini trampoline

Gross motor

Toddlers love to jump. Once they start, they don’t stop! Maisie adored her mini trampoline. We actually got ours for 10 bucks on Marketplace! It was a bit worse for wear but did the job and she loved it. Wherever you get one from, It’ll be a much loved buy!

Scuttle bug

Gross motor

These first bikes are the perfect size for toddlers. They also fold up so an excellent gift if you are planning a trip away anytime soon.

Fasteners board

Fine motor, independence

Portable, easy and neat to pack away, this Montessori inspired fasteners board helps children develop the kills they’ll need for self dressing.

Water pump

Sensory, independence

This is the “magic tap” we use during sensory water play! It is USB chargable and has a little tube that goes into your play space and recycles water meaning it’ll never overflow. The one tap button on and off is perfect for little fingers!

Simple spelling puzzle

Literacy, fine motor

A great gift for a 2 year old. Start out with single puzzles then work your way up to mixing all the pieces together to make it more challenging. The puzzles do have picture prompts, so children don’t really learn spelling from them; however, they provide great letter and word exposure all the same, which is just as important in building the foundations of literacy.

Small world toys

Imaginative play

All our small world/sensory play toys are from Wild Republic. Hot tip, if you are a Zoo, Scitech or Aquarium member you usually get a 10% discount on these in the gift shop! We went through a phase of picking one up each week and now have quite the little collection.

Car wash toy

Imaginative play

Maisie is obsessed with this one and It’s no surprise as she loves going through the carwash! Added bonus, this little wooden carwash fits matchbox cars perfectly! It also has a cute little petrol pump on one side and a garage at the back to store your cars in.

Kinetic sand

Sensory (tactile)

This Kmart kinetic sand pack is just as good as the real deal. Actually better in my opinion as it comes with not only a bunch of cute mould tools but also a great storage container!

Squishy number fish

Sensory (tactile, visual), imaginative play, numnercy

I put these into the toddler section; however, these are going until the tree for Denny’s first Christmas this year. I think they’ll be an awesome tummy time toy for squishing in tiny fingers. They’ll grow with him and he starts to identify numbers and we can put them on the light table for an extra visual sensory experience. These little fish also have corresponding dots on the back so when he is a toddler he can use them to practise his one to one counting! I know Maisie will likely claim these for some imaginative play too!

Baby doll

Role play

These Kindred folk dolls are gorgeous. Maisie has a baby boy '“Jakey” and it’s the only doll she’s ever shown interest in. They are just as beautiful as big brand dolls which will set you back $50-100 but for a fraction of the price. You can also buy sweet little outfits for them.

Dot pens

Creativity, literacy, numeracy, fine motor

Dot pens are great for toddlers as they work well both cylindrical grasp (1-1.5yrs) and digital grasp (2-3yrs). There are heaps of downloadable dot pen colouring in pages online including ones which support early literacy and numeracy skill development. The link i have provided includes a little activity book.

First scissors

Fine motor

These are super easy for toddlers to use and build hand strength and coordination before moving onto regular children’s safety scissors. We use ours to snip paper, play dough, coloured spaghetti as well as the grass on our hairy head!

Boon bath tubes

Cause and effect

A fun little bath toy which uses suction caps to secure tubes into a variety of patterns.

Reusable ice cubes

Sensory (visual), fine motor, colour sorting

Bare with me for this one. It seems random but these beauties actually have so many play uses! They are fantastic when used on the light table! Children can build and stack them working their fine motor skills. They can use them to do colour sorting ideas or in water play. They can be frozen and added to messy sensory play for an added cooling factor in the warm summer months. Plus you can throw them in your cocktail at the end of the day…. just saying… win win!

Best first knife

Hands down the best first knife! Suitable from around 18months this knife can be use to cut foods without harming little fingers!

4 in 1 Scooter

A great first birthday gift or Christmas idea! This scooter transforms from a toddler ride on into a regular 3 wheel scooter for older children with the push of a button. We actually had the Micro Mini 2 Go first but found it too high for Denzel’s little legs. It also tipped easily so we traded it in for this one and have been very happy!


Best Buys-Baby


Best Buys-Preschoolers