Best Buys- Toilet Training
Toilet training…. the two words every parent dreads! We got super lucky with Maisie and it only took her a day or two to be toilet trained. It was half luck and half arming ourselves with the knowledge, know how and products to get the job done without any second guessing ourselves!
In a nutshell my biggest toilet training tips are-
Read Oh Crap! Honestly it’s so helpful and explains things with proper justification rather than just “because i say so”. It also has a condensed “nutshell” for your partner to skim read and get the jist!
If your child is showing signs of readiness then thats awesome! but don’t concerned if your child doesn’t show any! These were only invented after the average toilet training age increased (due to the invention on disposable nappies). Maisie showed zero signs she was ready and was an absolute breeze to train regardless.
Forget the potty and go straight to the big toilet unless you want to train them twice or have to carry a potty with you when you leave the house! If you do opt for a potty keep it in the toilet room and avoid bringing it out into play spaces or you risk your child being confused about it’s use.
Protect your sanity and your furniture (helpful products linked below)
Do it in summer and ideally when two parents are home for 3 or more days in a row
Jamie Glowacki suggests the easiest time to toilet train is between 20 and 30 months, before or after this time it may be more challenging for your child. BUT there is no shame in training “early”, or “late”- It’s your family and totally up to you.
let your child watch you in the toilet. It’s a tricky concept to understand unless you can actually see what’s going on.
Lots of liquids, the more practice the better they’ll get!
Don’t be afraid of rewards if that works for your child!
Make sure your child is prepared and excited but try to avoid putting any pressure on them as toileting required relaxation. Anxiety will only make things more difficult to get going.
Keep toilet trips short and sweet, if nothing is happening its ok to get off the toilet. As tempting as it can be, try to avoid “distracting” your child with TV etc to keep them sitting longer. Urinating by accident on a potty because they’re distracted by something else isn’t going to help them learn to work their bladder or bowels properly and may draw out the process. Catching a child mid accident and encouraging them to hold, then relax to finish on the toilet may be harder work for us parents but it teaches them how to work those muscles quickly making the toilet training process much shorter.
Remember, if toilet training is causing any stress for yourself or your child its totally ok to stop and come back to it when everyone is in a better frame of mind! After all, there is no prize for having the fasted child out of nappies!
Below are some of my favourite toilet training products. Remember to click on the images to take you to where to buy.
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When it comes to toilet training, low pressure preparation is key! We incorporated toilet training books into our nightly bedtime stories for a few weeks prior to starting, and continued for several months after training was complete. below are some books we found good!